The People’s Republic of Antghanistan has put out an arrest warrant for Rebekah Rahman, Daily Evergreen life editor, for “crimes against hum-ant-ity.” Supreme Leader Joseph Stal-ant said Rahman’s ...
Coast to Coast set a precedent for other adult cartoons to follow. It put Atlanta on the map as a quirky treasure trove of warped creative minds. “People discovered that there was a certain flavor and ...
When scientists constructed a puzzle-solving task and pitted teams of people against teams of ants, the insects sometimes proved to be the smarter species. That’s not to denigrate human intelligence — ...
Crickets are parasites—for some ant colonies. The species of ant crickets from the Myrmecophilus genus can infiltrate ant colonies, despite the potentially lethal defences that ants have ...
Little fire ants have plagued the Big Island for more than a decade, but a recent uptick in cases across Oʻahu has caught lawmakers’ attention, prompting them to put money and attention toward ...