From the first woman to win a Nobel Prize to the discoverer of jumping genes, here are some of the women who have made major ...
Bus Stop Gallery: “Black Futures in Art: The Space Between Us,” evocative exhibition featuring the striking monochromatic portrait drawings of Danis Turcaz and the compelling stone sculptures of ...
Yet only “Gray Tree” has scale-invariant branch diameters. When Mondrian removes the scale invariance in “Blooming Apple Tree ...
Do artists and scientists see the same thing in the shape of trees? As a scientist who studies branching patterns in living things, I'm starting to ...
In the multiple booths and materials and mediums and offerings of galleries by artists of all ages Tripat Kalra’s Booth of ...
With a multidisciplinary mix of approaches, the creative’s practice merges disciplines worlds apart, making graphic design ...
Tom Cartmill, David H Jones and Claire Breitsprecher are abstract artists from this year’s Open Studios West Berks & North ...
Schreiner became the first Green ever elected to the Ontario legislature in 2018. He first became involved with the Greens in ...