The Indian theatrical release of “Santosh,” which landed on the Oscars‘ international feature shortlist, has been delayed due to an unexpected holdup at India’s Central Board of Film ...
Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has sued political activist Morara Kebaso for defamation. The MP accuses him of defaming him on X (formerly Twitter). In a suit filed at the Chief Magistrates Court in Eldoret, ...
South African rescuers ended their attempts on Thursday to find anyone left in an illegal gold mine where at least 78 people died during a police siege, as a local volunteer described the horror ...
Having grown up in the west African country of Benin, when two-time Oscar-nominated actor Djimon Hounsou immigrated to the US in 1990 to pursue his acting dreams, he felt a pain he could not ...
Scientists searching for an extinct fish found a “large”-headed river ... In a murky river of South Africa, a “large”-headed creature swam through the water — or tried to — but ...