The Aladdin Collection transports viewers into a magical world full of adventure, mystical genies, and flying carpets. It begins with Disney's original animated classic, "Aladdin" (1992), where a ...
Spoiler alert! We're discussing major details about the ending of "The Brutalist" (in theaters now nationwide). Beware if you haven't seen it yet. It is the destination – not the journey.
In a pleasing reversal of fortunes, Aladdin’s pursuers will later work for our hero as he falls in love with Princess Jasmine and becomes ... Michael Bolton for the end credits.
Alan Menken has written 22 shows including Ballad of Little Pinks (Composer), Kicks (Composer), Patch, Patch, Patch (Conceiver), Personals (Composer), Maggie May (Composer), The Present Tense ...