In honor of Uncle Sam Day, September 13, the National Museum of American History tracked down the story of the familiar bearded figure and star of the 4th of July parade. Explore more about the man ...
Uncle Sam is one tough old avatar. Cartoonists and designers of all stripes have relied on him as a handy symbol of the U.S. government for ages. He’s evolved in small ways—his costume has ...
The facts of the case are straightforward: Notwithstanding a few limited exceptions, contractors working for the federal government must be registered in SAM as a condition of receiving taxpayer ...
Uncle Sam’s flagship in (of all places) Toronto began by buying their new and secondhand military apparel straight from government surplus warehouses—and sometimes straight from discharged ...
German-born political cartoonist Thomas Nast gave America some of its most enduring symbols: the Republican elephant, the Democratic donkey, and Uncle Sam. Publishing regularly in Harper's Weekly ...