Anatomy for Beginners is a television show created by Gunther von Hagens. In this 4-part series, Dr Gunther von Hagens and Professor John Lee demonstrated the anatomical structure and workings of ...
The central tendon is a large part of the diaphragm that anchors the diaphragm to the ribs. A healthy person can have some minor variations in the diaphragm's anatomy. For example, the left or right ...
By Mekado Murphy ‘The Room Next Door’ | Anatomy of a Scene Pedro Almodóvar narrates a sequence from his film starring Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton. By Mekado Murphy ‘Wicked ...
The cochlear nerve, also known as part of the vestibulocochlear or auditory nerve, is a sensory nerve responsible for hearing. It travels from the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure in the inner ear, ...
Ever since the first half of Grey's Anatomy season 21 came to a dramatic end at the end of last year, fans have been clamouring for the next instalment. Well, there's some good and bad news on ...
Anatomy is the field of biology that studies the structure of living things. Anatomy focuses on the composition, structure and location of the parts of organisms tissues, organs and systems ...
In cases of mononeuropathy, just one nerve is affected. It may also affect the autonomic nerves responsible for controlling functions such as digestion, the bladder, blood pressure, and heart rate.
MRN currently provides an excellent depiction of three-dimensional nerve anatomy and pathology, and development of diffusion tensor imaging ... Unlike findings in entrapment mononeuropathy, there is ...
Some of the instruments produced within the Council of Europe have played a decisive role in the teaching of so-called “foreign” languages by promoting methodological innovations and new approaches to ...