The story of the Maha Kumbh begins far beyond the mortal realm, in the vast expanse of the cosmos. In the ancient language of the Vedas, the celestial alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter is not ...
Sep. 9, 2024 — Out-of-body experiences, such as near-death experiences, can have a 'transformative' effect on people's ability to experience empathy and connect with others, new research ...
Africa's vast continent, with its varying climates and landscapes, holds a special secret: some of the world's most ancient olive farms reside here. These millennia-old groves serve as living ...
The “gap-toothed girl wrapped in nothing more than a quantity of dirty carpet” would soon rise from her humble beginnings, to become the first African-American poet. One with a penchant for the ...
Wole Soyinka and Late President Kwame Nkruma of Ghana In Harmattan Haze on an African Spring, Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka condemns the notion that any of the major civilizations occurred in a vacuum.
The Nigeria’s rich cultural legacy would take the centre stage at the Kings and Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power exhibition at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, slated for January 28 through 30, 2025.
It lies at the foot of the majestic Mount Togakushi. This area combines natural beauty with deep-rooted spirituality, making it an ideal getaway. Togakushi is about one hour by bus from Nagano station ...