This anime follows a high school boy named Kusuo Saiki who has a secret: he possesses world-altering psychic powers ... prime example of this is Monster, the 2004 anime adaptation of Naoki ...
Looking for all the new Anime Adventures codes? As a tower defense game, Anime Adventures challenges you to collect popular anime characters and deploy them to protect your base. Of course, it can ...
What are the Monster Hunter Wilds monsters? The best way for any hunter to prepare for a trip to the Forbidden Lands is to get familiar with all the monsters that call it home. Capcom has already ...
2023 saw two incredible older anime shows make their way to Netflix: Monster (which features further down on this list) and Hajime no Ippo. It's about time you gave them a try, especially as the ...
Gone are the days when you have to watch illegally uploaded anime episodes, cut into nine parts, and uploaded onto five different anime YouTube channels. Forget about ...
Our list of Roblox codes for every game gives you some amazing goodies to grab, there’s truly a freebie for everyone out there. Roblox is a platform populated by a massive variety of experiences, from ...
Necrozma is an attack-weighted Pocket Monster, allowing it to dish out lots ... Necrozma is a mid-tier Psychic-type PvE attacker in Pokemon GO. With the best moveset, it has a DPS of 15.38 and ...