Why hunt for moose in Maine? Maine's moose population is the largest of all the lower 48 states, estimated at 60-70,000 animals. This presents an incredible hunting opportunity for those lucky enough ...
When the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a December open season on moose in Alaska last year, it started something. Personally, I would have bet that moose hunting on snowshoes in subzero ...
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is now accepting public comments on proposed hunting season rule ...
A nonresident collecting, possessing, or transporting antlers or horns shed from deer, elk, moose, or pronghorn in this state ...
Unlike many Eastern states, Colorado has a growing moose population. In fact, there are so many moose in the park that ...
Upper Peninsula visitors are asked to keep a safe distance away from wild moose while tracking devices are fitted.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is inviting public comments on proposed changes to hunting season rules ...
We've been moose hunting the same spot for about seven years now-we've had some success there, but we've had more failure than success. When you go to the same spot every year, and see more hunters ...
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced Friday the opening of a public comment period on new rules and regulations proposed for the upcoming hunting season as part of its ...
A group of B.C. hunting guides who are appealing the provincial government's changes in the number of moose they can hunt have lost the initial stage of an appeal. The hunting outfitters from the ...
A press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Minnesota’s moose population continues to decline, dropping from an estimate of 4,900 in 2011 to 4,230 in 2012, according ...
Rocky Mountain National Park is studying the impacts a booming moose population is having on its ailing willows and wetlands.