Providence Health announced that all eight of its hospitals are prepared to resume negotiations with the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) as the historic healthcare worker strike continues.
UPDATE, 10:05 p.m.: ONA nurses continue strike after bargaining team members from 11 striking units submitted proposals late Tuesday through federal mediators. "We have not heard a response from ...
Pets will devour anything. But wild, wacky and weird meals can quickly turn into an emergency. That’s when the call goes out to Dr. G, a master of non-surgical ‘seek and recover’.
“Any union, any worker that's in a fight, we're there with them." Negotiations between Providence hospitals throughout Oregon and the Oregon Nurses Association have been ongoing for more than a year, ...
Stone Age humans certainly ate a variety of meat and fish, but modern thinking on ancient diets, exemplified by the Paleo diet trend that focuses on meat protein and foraged plants that are easy ...
According to Healthline, the diet is marketed on the belief that human ancestors ate mostly meat and cheese. Anthropologists cited by National Geographic said that while meat-eating played a major ...
We invite medical workers at Providence and across the country to write to us about the conditions they face as a result of the ongoing social crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the emerging ...
In a statement, the Oregon Nurses Association, which represents the striking workers, accused Providence of bargaining in bad faith and "without the urgency that this moment requires." ...
Opens in a new tab or window As the strike by nearly 5,000 healthcare workers from Providence Health in Oregon reaches the 3-week mark, representatives from the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA ...
Providence said on Sunday evening that the clinic had reached an agreement with two bargaining units represented by the Oregon Nurses Association, which includes nurses and physicians/providers.