The event is designated EP240408a, as it was first detected by the Einstein Probe, an X-ray space telescope, on 8 April 2024.
A U.S. scientist searching for a civilization across 7 Earth clones circling the red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 says its own alien ...
The first trial of an Australian-developed technology has detected mysterious objects by sifting through signals from space like sand on a beach. CSIRO’s ASKAP ...
The first trial of an Australian-developed technology has detected mysterious objects by sifting through signals from space like sand on a beach. Astronomers and engineers at CSIRO, Australia's ...
Astronomers and engineers have developed a specialized system for their radio telescope to rapidly detect mysterious fast radio bursts and other space phenomena. The first trial of an Australian ...
China Einstein Probe EP astronomical satellite has for the first time in human history detected soft X-ray signals from an ...
借助澳大利亚望远镜紧凑阵列(Australian Telescope Compact Array),三个月的射电观测证实其能量输出符合伽马射线暴特征。 伽马射线暴是已知宇宙中最 ...
借助澳大利亚望远镜紧凑阵列(Australian Telescope Compact Array),三个月的射电观测证实其能量输出符合伽马射线暴特征。 伽马射线暴是已知宇宙 ...
他启动了对这一伽马射线暴的长期射电波段监测。借助澳大利亚望远镜紧凑阵列(Australian Telescope Compact Array),三个月的射电观测证实其能量输出符合伽马射线暴特征。 伽马射线暴是已知宇宙中最强的爆发现象之一,通常由大质量恒星爆炸产生。后续分析 ...
Only a single burst had been detected during the initial observation. To uncover more, we conducted more observations with ASKAP as well as CSIRO’s Australia Telescope Compact Array on Kamilaroi ...
This work proposes the manufacturing, the computational study by Finite Element Method (FEM) and the characterization of Aluminum Nitride (AlN)-based PMUT arrays, suitable as ultrasound transmitters ...
The EV charging station, is one of 110 EV fast chargers being rolled out over 49 sites for gentailer Horizon Power’s 7,000 kilometre long Western Australia (WA) EV Network project, on behalf of the ...