With every bite of food we take, our intestinal immune system must make a big decision. Tasked with defending us from foreign ...
One of the key changes in ageing is the reduced production of immune cells. The bone marrow and thymus, which are responsible ...
Induces potent and long-lasting immune responses to defined antigens or whole pathogens (particles), mainly through the ...
Since it’s known for its ability to reduce the duration of a cold, keeping zinc handy in your medication cabinet is another ...
Intranasal foralumab can modulate a number of immune cell types in people with non-active SPMS, developer Tiziana Life ...
Immune cells called regulatory T cells have long been known for their role in countering inflammation. In the setting of ...
immune cells that recognize and invade tumours. How cancer hijacks the nervous system to grow and spread The team found that, in three people, both the tumour cells and TILs carried mitochondria ...
The human immune system has evolved throughout history to effectively recognize and adapt to invading pathogens. To combat disease, the human body employs | Immunology ...
A group of immune proteins called the inflammasome can help prevent blood stem cells from becoming malignant by removing certain receptors from their surfaces and blocking cancer gene activity, ...
Researchers have revolutionized cancer immunotherapy by developing a way to grow T cells in the lab that live longer and ...