A musty basement isn’t just unpleasant—it can be a sign of bigger moisture problems that lead to mold and mildew growth.
The Vigilante AQS provides real-time air quality monitoring, ensuring that underground ventilation systems optimize miner safety while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CREDIT: MAESTRO Underground ...
The deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) method was then employed for the closed-loop control ensuring the required air volume in each branch of tunnel groups while minimizing energy consumption.
Before you drop cash on laminate flooring, watch this TikTok. The process of finishing an unfinished basement can be a daunting and expensive one. TikToker @ooliviakathleenn has been chipping away at ...
New York City—Deep in the basement ... cellar with one vent hood where we’re burning plastic for hours at a time with no real evidence or any data to show us that the air quality is sufficient ...
Moisture related issues in a basement are often a more complex problem, influenced by factors like ground water, ventilation, and drainage. To understand if sealing your basement floor is enough ...
Triple-digit temperatures have become the summer norm for some regions of the U.S. Whether or not that’s true in your area, it’s important to pick a central air conditioning system that won ...
Gassy underground coal mines employ large-scale ventilation systems that pump fresh air into the workings to dilute and remove methane released during mining operations. This ventilation air, ...