Lung ultrasound (LUS) has emerged as a valuable ... limited setting in Nepal focused on the diagnostic accuracy of bedside LUS for pneumonia in children under five years old.
Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS): A portable ultrasound device used for immediate diagnostic purposes at the patient's bedside. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): A method of ...
May Chen, a neonatologist at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, discusses her workshop about point of care ultrasound — a bedside tool that can be used for procedural guidance or to answer yes/no ...
Butterfly’s device is competing with point of care ultrasound machines that can be used at a patient’s bedside, not the top-tier devices used by radiologists. Users can switch between various ...
ConocoPhillips generously awarded the Benefit Fund of McKenzie Health with $50,000 to fund an ultrasound machine that is used by Dr. Carol Uhlman, OBGYN, at the McKenzie Health Center, Watford City.