The anime adaptation of Honey Lemon Soda is currently in the middle of its first season, and an English dub version is set to release soon with an all-star voice cast.
Animated shows and movies always have some of the most talented voice actors, especially since you don't get to see them physically on-screen. So, if you've always wondered who's behind pop ...
The Macho Man's distinctive voice again shines through, and although it would be Randy's one-and-only appearance on the show, it's forever part of a rich, hilarious tapestry. Dig It! In 1996, Dexter's ...
The first time I heard any version of Timmy as Bob Dylan was in the recording studio because we were doing pre-records and I was dueting to his voice ... to appreciate two actors that are greatly ...
Laura Aikman who plays Sonia had to keep her involvement a huge secret and stayed in a different hotel to the cast ... of the behind the scenes cute moments is that he was on the Voice Kids ...
NetEase assembled the best of the best – but who's behind the mask? Well, we've rounded up the full list of characters in Marvel Rivals and the voice actors ... the Uncharted series of games ...