You can prune your Christmas cactus plants anytime from the time they finish blooming up until about May. Prune the plants as much as you need to in order to keep them the size you prefer.
Pruning lavender effectively depends on the plant's hardiness. The plant experts at Ashridge have shared some invaluable advice on how to care for these plants, including the best time to prune them.
This time-release fertilizer by Jobe's for all kinds of fruit and citrus plants is the best pick for those who are tired of following manufacturer’s instruction to mix balanced fertilizer every day ...
“Whether you’re dealing with an overgrown and too bushy plant or with its blooms turning brown, pruning your peace lily is an essential task.” They suggest that the “best time” to prune ...
Ned You can prune your Christmas cactus plants anytime from the time they finish blooming up ... if I should have removed the fruit from my citrus trees before the recent freezes.
While some vague timing guidelines do exist, the best time to buy or sell a stock really depends most on your own market analysis and individual company research. With that noted, the first and ...
Lindsey Hyland, expert gardener and creator of Urban Organic Yield, advised that the “best time” for pruning lavender in late spring or early summer for “optimal blooming”. She further ...