and improve pain-free use of the arm and shoulder. Physical therapy is the main treatment for biceps tendonitis. Here are several exercises your physical therapist may work on with you.
Functionally, the biceps are key players in elbow flexion (bending the arm), forearm supination (rotating the forearm so the palm faces upward, like turning a doorknob or opening a jar), and shoulder ...
Now that you've taken note of all of that, onto the good stuff. Here are the three exercises Steve recommends to pump up the biceps... If you’re looking for an exercise that will really add size ...
Strong shoulders also support better posture, which can help reduce back and neck pain. Of course ... resistance bands and bodyweight exercises for a well-rounded arm workout.
Strength training from home? Build your biceps and triceps with these four exercises – even if you don’t have a whole rack of dumbbells. If you’ve returned to the gym, you can easily ...
If there’s an exercise that dominates the gym floor when it comes to building bulging biceps, it’s the bicep curl and, rightly so. Not only is it incredibly effective, hitting the biceps ...