But how can birds that weigh only a dozen grams survive West Virginia’s frigid temperatures, and why do some birds migrate ...
The Mail has recruited leading virologists, epidemiologists and pandemic planners to imagine the kind of scenario that might ...
The fall feel of the winter season came to an abrupt end in eastern Newfoundland around Jan. 21, as temperatures dipping into ...
Unlike the mergansers, these Ring-necked Ducks are more frequently seen in the Caribbean. Yet they are still not common in ...
It is inevitable that uneaten seeds will spill out of your bird feeders. The birds themselves may knock some of it out in all ...
A warning has been issued to everyone in the UK not to chase off a magpie if they see one in their garden. Magpies are one of ...
Each year around Halloween, the northern shrike lands in our region to spend the winter. A songbird slightly smaller than a ...
If you're hoping to attract the beautiful dark-eyed junco birds to your yard in the winter, there are a few tips you can ...
If you want more birds in your yard but don't want to spend a lot on a bird feeder, you can make one yourself. Popsicle ...
After darkening the skies of North America for 20,000 years, the passenger pigeon was hunted to extinction. It changed our ...
Field Museum visitors see less than 1% of its total collection. So where's the rest of it? CBS News Chicago went on a tour ...
Hearing bird song in Lamoille Canyon on a summer morning is what one would expect. But one does not expect bird song on a ...