A movie based on the popular children’s animated series “Bluey” is headed to theaters. An announcement was made Tuesday on social media with BBC Studios, Disney, Disney+ and ABC tagged.
"Bluey" is headed to the big screen for the first time. The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday that a film with BBC Studios is in the works, slated to follow the life of the popular blue heeler ...
Bluey fans can rejoice, with the popular television show set to hit the big screen for a feature film. The Australian children’s show follows the titular character and her family - father Bandit ...
What adventures await the young blue heeler pup on the big screen? The first-ever "Bluey" feature film is in the works. BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday that the beloved ...
A movie of the beloved children’s animated show Bluey is reportedly in the works and both kids and adults are ecstatic about the news. According to the companies, the CGI-animated film will ...