Learn how to start your career in photojournalism with essential skills, portfolio tips, and networking strategies.
A creative proposal in Washington’s Legislature could save hundreds of local journalism jobs across the state. Senate Bill ...
Investigative reporting has always played a crucial role in holding power accountable and ensuring transparency in Delaware.
Ex-Citizen TV Anchor Janet Mbugua Makes Comeback. After his nine-year stint at RMS, Wambugu moved to Media Max Limited as a ...
Prominent political journalists convened Saturday in Penn Pavilion to discuss the implications of a second Trump ...
CNN is turning to job cuts this month, with the goal of lowering costs and expanding into the digital space more actively.
MIddlesbrough's last court reporter could earn £5,000 in a week in the 1970s. Now no local publishers have freelance budget.
Washingtonians who care about local news coverage should consider testifying for a new journalism program that publishers say ...
WTVA reporter Jake White spoke with Tupelo High School students about his career in journalism.
Students interested in the life and music of Bob Dylan, and particularly how his career has intersected with the American South, have an opportunity to study just that this semester at the University ...
MAPLE —Let's get to know Jeffrey McClure, Channel 6 television reporter, former freelance Superior Telegram writer, and 2018 ...
Booker was a journalist in October of 1994 when news broke about a South Carolina woman who had called police about about her two missing children.