The cattle market continues to set new records in both ... Kooima Kooima Varilek, says, live sale prices were up $6 to $8 from the previous weeks weighted averages. “We finished at $211 to ...
The fed cattle market ended last week higher. Packers needed to up their bids ahead of a full production week even though their margins remain in the red and their losses continue to grow. Higher ...
After being destroyed by insurgents from Boko Haram, the Banki International Livestock market is officially back in business. The reopening of the market, which is a commercial meeting point for ...
However, the futures market fails to take out last week’s highs and negate chart reversals scored last Thursday. That day live cattle made new highs for the move on bullish news and then scored ...
After being destroyed by insurgents from Boko Haram, the Banki International Livestock market is officially back in business. The reopening of the market, which is a commercial meeting point for ...
The weekly OKC feeder cattle auction has an estimated 13,500 head ... as one of the first websites for commodities and futures market data. Since then, we have evolved into a global ...
The weekly OKC feeder cattle auction has an estimated 13,500 head for sale today. Sales were up $5-10 for feeder steers and $5-8 for feeder heifers, while calves were steady. Cattle on Feed data ...
Direct cash cattle trade activity remains at a standstill ... The USDA says there was a nice feeder offering and the market was higher. There were several high-quality, reputation consignments offered ...