Labour has laid out proposals to force landlords to improve the energy efficiency of rented homes to save renters money on ...
Under the proposals put out for consultation all private landlords will have to meet the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ...
Landlords will have to meet a higher standard of energy efficiency across their rental properties by 2030, under plans ...
A 3D printed house is no longer a thing of the future, three families in Dundalk, County Louth have moved into the innovative ...
THREE families today became the first in Ireland to move into 3D printed homes. The two-storey, three-bedroom terraced gaffs ...
A woman, who has been waiting for a house for 10 years, has described becoming one of the first people to move into a 3D ...
Insulation should be top of the to-do list for anyone hoping to improve their energy bills. But it needs to be installed ...
Three families in Co Louth are set to move into 3D printed homes, the first of their kind in Ireland.
Three families in Dundalk, Co Louth, will become the first residents in Ireland and the UK to live in 3D printed houses.
Ireland’s first 3D printed local authority homes have been built in Dundalk and three families from Louth County Council’s ...