WITH the cost of living crisis, saving money in small ways can make a huge difference. To help, experts have revealed that a common £1.40 household item can leave your home looking brand new ...
No sooner do you wash your clothes or dishes than there's another shirt in the hamper or plate in the sink. That's not to mention all of the dust, dirt, hair and soap scum that can accumulate — it may ...
Limescale can wreak havoc on your shower head ... She detailed her own successful cleaning adventure: "I unscrewed the fixed top bit, soaked it in a bowl of vinegar overnight then wiped it ...
Kerry Whelpdale has shared a simple technique that prevents water stains from appearing on your shower's glass surround - and it's likely you'll already have the product needed ...
In the following guide from AD, learn how to clean a dishwasher with white vinegar, baking soda ... and they come out dirty? Or find a glass tainted with soap scum, or worse, bits of food left ...