In 2024, Tamil Nadu maintained its position as an ‘Achiever’ within the coastal group, along with Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, and Karnataka. | Photo Credit: BIJOY GHOSH Tamil Nadu’s ...
UPI has a unique feature which gives user to pay when they don’t have money in the account in the form of credit. This feature is known as Credit Line. Now most of the people have started using this ...
The Samsung Galaxy S25 series has been extensively tipped and rumored at this point, so we have a good idea of what the key features of these phones will be. By ‘features’ we refer here to the ...
A two-week train line closure allowed for major upgrades between Brockenhurst and Lymington Pier. Following the installation of new track on the line in late October, the bridge across the Lymington ...
A trough is off the far north coast while a high pressure system over southern Tasman Sea is extending a ridge along the remainder of the coast. These systems will maintain persistent northeasterly ...