Also, 80.62 kg of charas was seized under the NDPS Act in 2021, which went down to 51.111 kg in 2024. Police said there are multiple factors behind the increase in meth-mixed cocaine seizures.
Spanish authorities said on Monday they had seized seven tons of cocaine stashed in sea freight containers buried underneath a farm, arresting three suspected smugglers. Police posted video of the ...
Canadian authorities seized $83 million worth of cocaine that initially flowed into the country from the Mexico-US border – the largest of its kind in Toronto’s history, officials announced ...
These were some big baggies. Border Patrol agents found two backpacks stuffed with $1.1 million worth of cocaine dumped near the border with Canada. The two agents were patrolling the Blaine ...
Drug seizures by Indian authorities show a significant increase in drug smuggling and usage in the country. DW explores why more Indian youth are falling into substance abuse. In the biggest-ever ...
Samantha Schmidt is The Washington Post's Bogotá bureau chief, covering all of Spanish-speaking South America. She previously reported on gender and family issues for the local desk, with a focus ...