Resection is another name for any operation that removes tissue or part of an organ. Bowel resection, also called partial colectomy, removes a diseased or damaged part of the colon or rectum. Bowel ...
Resection is another name for any operation that removes tissue or part of an organ. Bowel resection, also called partial colectomy, removes a diseased or damaged part of the colon or rectum. Bowel ...
Despite having a better safety profile, cold endoscopic mucosal resection led to a higher risk for recurrent/residual ...
Surgery to remove a small part of the bowel lining (local resection) Local resection is for small, early stage colon cancers. Your surgeon removes the cancer from the bowel lining, along with a border ...
While AI-assisted colonoscopy improves adenoma detection rates, it also increases the detection of non-neoplastic lesions.
Perioperative IV infusion of lidocaine fails to improve return of gut function after elective minimally invasive colon ...
An Anderson, South Carolina, man wants to tell everyone his health care story and the need to get a second opinion.
a non invasive technique such as SICUS can be used to detect minimal CD lesions, i.e. low grade recurrence limited to ileo-colonic anastomosis the intestinal wall thickness measured at the level ...