You may think you know what a spider plant looks like – but there’s a lot more variety than you think! We present some ...
Most of the spiders you will come across are entirely harmless and likely do more good than harm. Use this guide as a handy tool to identify these common spiders in Texas. There are only two types ...
That said, there are plenty of other harmless spiders in many other parts of the world who create webs shaped like a funnel. This includes the Agelenidae family which are common in the United ...
Spiders are some of the most common creatures we share our homes with. While they may seem scary at first, most house spider species are harmless and even helpful, keeping pest insects under control.
The deadly 3.54-inch-long spider Atrax christenseni is among the most dangerously venomous spiders for humans.
"If you are bitten by a funnel-web spider, call an ambulance and go straight to hospital," researcher Geoff Isbister said.
Researchers say they used anatomical and DNA comparisons to study different populations of the Sydney funnel-web spider – one ...
The study marks a major shift in understanding the Sydney funnel-web spider, with each newly identified species occupying ...
Australian scientists have discovered a bigger, more venomous species of the Sydney funnel-web spider, one of the world's deadliest.
The yellow sac spider is one of the most common spiders humans encounter, as they're often wandering indoors or hanging out in gardens. Scientists also believe they account for more human insect bites ...
There are several genera of funnel web spiders, but the most common ones in Australia are Atrax, Hadronyche, and Illawarra.