Dogs see differently than humans. The reason lies within the eye. In the eye are light receptors called cones and rods. Cones help us distinguish different colors, while rods help us see in dim light.
In a world-first, scientists have unearthed the genetic secrets of Australia’s elusive southern marsupial mole.
DA has two main effects upon horizontal cells: it uncouples their gap junctions and, independently, enhances the efficacy of their photoreceptor inputs, both effects involving D1 receptors. In the ...
Dogs see differently than humans. The reason lies within the eye. In the eye are light receptors called cones and rods. Cones help us distinguish different colors, while rods help us see in dim light.
Cones are responsible for day vision and color perception. Cats (and dogs) have a high concentration of rod receptors and a low concentration of cone receptors. Humans have the opposite ...
ephrin receptors Dickson, 2002 GAP-43 Assist in critical decisions Amplify environmental signals Growth cone Strittmatter, Fankhauser, Huang, Mashimo, & Fishman, 1995 Glial cells or glial wedge ...