There’s a bit of a cut-off point as to how old a car needs to be before it can be viably converted, too – from the early 2000s, most vehicles became too complex for easy conversion to ...
and now that reliable electric drivetrain technology is within reach, a conversion package backed by the factory is an attractive prospect. This confusing vision coming to a classic car show near you!
As electric vehicles gain popularity, a fascinating new trend among classic car enthusiasts is emerging: the conversion of traditional gas-guzzling cars into sleek and sustainable EVs. It's an ...
The number of companies out there willing to convert your classic car into an electric vehicle just keeps growing and growing, whether you agree with the practice or not. Just this month ...
A company is converting classic Land Rovers and Porsches to electric power to make more sustainable vehicles. Older cars increasingly cannot drive in city centre low-emission zones, but Everrati ...
Made to fit the first-generation, early-1990s MX-5, this kit comes from a British company called Electrogenic, which has built a reputation for converting all sorts of classic cars to electric.
Converting classic cars to electric can be contentious. Stripping the engine out of a Jaguar E-Type or Porsche 911 – as Electrogenic and other such specialists do – is one thing, although ...
As electric car sales continue to grow, a smaller but no doubt more interesting market is flourishing with equal enthusiasm: Converting classic cars to electric. Several startups doing this are ...