An earthy taste and smell started seeping into Shreveport’s water over the winter holidays, making its way into ice and ...
The Shreveport Water and Sewerage Department has addressed the temporary taste and odor change to the city drinking water.
The City of Shreveport’s Water and Sewerage Department is addressing temporary changes in the taste and smell of the city’s ...
A presenter-led science video about how to make a soluble salt called copper sulfate, with Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock and Dr Alex Lathbridge.
The City of Shreveport’s Water and Sewerage Department is addressing temporary changes in the taste and smell of the city’s ...
Koryx Copper has confirmed that a large-scale technical programme is to be completed at its Haib copper project this year.
Shreveport Water and Sewer Director William Daniel says this is a temporary problem and his crews are working to correct the ...
Two of three technologies featured at Sarasota event rely on plant-based chemicals; the third uses water cavitation, ozone ...
Koryx Copper made relatively slow progress after taking back control of Haib although a PEA was produced in 2021.
Abstract published in Phys. Rev., 57, 349 (1940). Beevers and Lipson, Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 146, 570 (1934).