Green technologies and green jobs were core topics of discussion, which is sensible since the global transition to clean energy – via technologies such as solar, wind, wave, and bio power – is ...
Ramadass has stressed the need to create awareness among voters on the importance of exercising their franchise without succumbing to any inducement. Participating in an event organised by PMMMK ...
He has vowed to campaign for NASH and create awareness to get rid of the disease that could become the next epidemic. This is the centenary year of the hospital and college. NASH is a disease in ...
Green financing has emerged as a crucial tool to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. However, implementing it in Southeast Asian nations like Malaysia and Indonesia has its ...
Tirupati: District Collector Dr S Venkateswar instructed Road Safety Authority (RTA) and police department to focus on creating awareness among people on the implementation of the rules and ...