Following the unexpected resurgence of Suits, which shattered Netflix viewership records after debuting on the platform in 2023, NBCUniversal is seizing the moment with plans for a spinoff.
He is once again named in the recent 30-page suit that was filed on behalf of all 12 plaintiffs - each one a US resident - in the Southern District of Florida in Miami on Thursday, USA Today reported.
When Jeremy Leinen’s Rancho El Dorado neighbors called 911 Friday night to report that he was peeping into their homes, they didn’t yet know he was on the run from the cops. It was a few minutes ...
As seen below, the 8-time Grammy Award winner and multi-platinum artist turned heads on the Rockin’ Eve stage in a silver suit with a plunging neckline when she performed live. Underwood’s ...
Former CBS Detroit sports anchor Ronnie Duncan has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Detroit area station, alleging racial discrimination and retaliation. Duncan, who entered a ...
The basic claim at the heart of the suit involves a mind-bending bid to create a discourse around the film’s flawed treatment of the sensitive themes of domestic violence and coercive control of ...