In a recent post on social media, Nayanthara penned a beautiful post featuring a series of images with her husband Vignesh Shivan, and kids, Ulag and Uyir.
I dunno, but it is promising the elf waifu in a variety of cute outfits. For some, I imagine, that will be enough. Likewise, I imagine Promise of Wizard doesn't need to deliver much to its target ...
One Piece Chapter 1136 will likely reveal more about the hooded figures invading Elbaph and their connection to Loki. Here’s what we predict will happen next.
But the series struggles to set its hook in the pilot, banking on the mild-mannered mystery-man elements of Sakamoto, which contrast with the rash impulsiveness of Shin. I’m feeling an Odd Couple vibe ...
Get ready for an adventure in Mariland. Netflix has announced a new stop-motion series featuring two beloved Sanrio characters: My Melody and Kurmoi. The series, My Melody & Kuromi premiers this July.