Recent research reveals that DNA and RNA epigenetics, previously studied as independent systems, actually function as a complementary regulatory network. This dual mechanism enables precise gene ...
1958年,弗朗西斯・克里克提出了中心法则,提出遗传信息从 DNA 转录为 RNA,再经翻译指导蛋白质合成,随后蛋白质参与生命活动这一流程,看似一气呵成,实则存在问题。 若仔细观察,便会发觉此流程不够简洁,RNA 的存在略显累赘。毕竟,越简单的系统往往越高效、越易实现,繁琐的系统则耗能多且不易形成。 从结构看,RNA 与 DNA ...
Not only does Bennu contain evidence of ancient pools of liquid water — it also carries minerals crucial to life, amino acids, and the five nucleobases for DNA and RNA. As asteroids crash into ...
RNA is generally single-stranded, as DNA is transcribed by RNA polymerases into mRNA (messenger RNA), which is read by ribosomes to generate protein (translation). Biologically active RNAs ...
Researchers have now uncovered the 3D structure of the RNA enzyme SAMURI. Their study provides insights into the development of ribozymes and the evolution of catalytically active RNA. Researchers ...
最新研究揭示,导致日晒伤急性反应的根源在于RNA受损,而非传统认知中的DNA破坏,为相关治疗提供了全新视角。 长期暴露在阳光下又缺乏足够保护,皮肤常会红肿灼痛,像一只即将上桌的龙虾。 传统观点认为,皮肤的炎症反应源于组织DNA受损后引发的一系列连锁效应。然而,最新针对小鼠和人类皮肤细胞的研究发现,晒伤的初始反应与以往预期截然不同。 “教科书告诉我们,晒伤是由DNA受损引起的细胞死亡和炎症,但这项研 ...
回到我们的中学课本“中心法则”的定义:遗传信息从DNA传递给RNA,再从RNA传递给蛋白质,完成遗传信息的转录和翻译。过往,我们常常提到的RNA ...
Learning about your genetics and ancestry is easier than ever. All you need to do is choose from the many DNA ancestry tests available online, receive your kit and send back the required DNA samples.
While most known types of DNA damage are fixed by our cells' in-house DNA repair mechanisms, some forms of DNA damage evade repair and can persist for many years, new research shows.
The current human tissue-based study provides compelling evidence correlating hippocampal expressions of RNA guanine-rich G-quadruplexes with aging and with Alzheimer's Disease presence and severity.
A 2015 report published by a private genomics testing company found that 2% of 345 hot dogs tested contained traces of human DNA. However, it was unclear whether that report was a peer-reviewed ...