Insulin, sulfonylureas, and TZDs are diabetes medications that may cause weight gain. But some, like metformin, may have weight loss potential. Others may be neutral to any weight changes.
Certain foods can increase blood sugar more quickly and can contribute to weight gain when eaten ... for people with diabetes. While no specific macronutrient prescription or generalized diet will ...
Healthy Diet for Health: Poor diet can worsen insulin resistance and contribute to weight gain Certain foods and drinks can be harmful to diabetics because they cause rapid spikes in blood sugar ...
Struggling to gain weight? Learn what registered dietitian, Tai Ibitoye, has to say about safe and effective weight gain, including what can cause someone to be underweight and when to speak to your ...
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are both disorders in glucose metabolism. However, their clinical presentation and progression are different. It's important to differentiate between the two conditions ...