Our average of how long a generator ran, over various loads, on a full tank of gasoline or diesel fuel, a 20-pound tank for propane-based portables, or a 250-gallon propane tank for stationary models.
Our average of how long a generator ran, over various loads, on a full tank of gasoline or diesel fuel, a 20-pound tank for propane-based portables, or a 250-gallon propane tank for stationary models.
Gasoline and diesel ... and that’s why fuel stabilizers matter. Add a small amount of fuel stabilizer to stored fuel and your lawn mower, snowblower, rototiller, chainsaw, generator and vehicle ...
Red diesel fuel is only intended for use in heavy-duty machinery, generators, or off-road vehicles like tractors and bulldozers. This is why it's known as off-road diesel instead of regular diesel.