For different variants of the NEGF function ... of circuits designed with 2D semiconductor-based transistors," said Banerjee. "Additionally, we have provided a comprehensive blueprint for designing 2D ...
The effects seem to arise from ionization of gases within a transistor encapsulation and interaction between the ionized gas ... but the recovery after removal from radiation is complex and proceeds ...
We also consider reconfigurable field effect transistors. In such devices, two or more independent gate electrodes can be used to program different functionalities at the device level, enabling ...
In standard bioelectronics, complementary transistors have been composed of different materials to account for different polarities of signals, which, in addition to being unyielding and ...
Dion Khodagholy, Study Co-Author and Henry Samueli Faculty Excellence Professor, University of California, Irvine Traditional bioelectronics use complementary transistors made from different ...