The Dog Bite Murders, directed by Clint Clarkson & Gregory Shoemaker, is a historical drama based on true events from 1910. Set in the Arizona Territory, it follows the gripping tale of two army ...
You probably know Arthrex for their human care, but now they’ve unveiled their veterinary care. Corporate engagement manager at Arthrex, Meg Hardt, said they decided to start vet care after finding ...
Multiple dogs died in a fire in Dayton Thursday morning. I was in the packed hall at Davos to hear Trump speak. The audience went from laughter to silence in seconds. Elizabeth Warren tells Elon Musk ...
The FOX 5 Storm Team is tracking the precipitation potential in Georgia. This time, it looks like it will be rain. Here's the latest on the timing and amounts.
She understood most of the communication buttons within about six weeks, but she definitely had her favourites, like ‘water’ and ‘love you’.” Dogs talking directly to humans has ...
after letting the dog out of his Volusia County home around midnight Dec. 20, FOX 35 Orlando reported. "He growled and charged and just latched onto my stomach," Sprout told the news outlet of the ...
To start off the new year on a happy note, Proctor with the city shelter said they’re waiving adoption and redemption fees Friday and Saturday. Dogs like Lupe — an Anatolian Shepherd mix — and Poe — a ...