I, I do have *** clarifying question. Um, so there were 3 miners playing on *** frozen pond around 5:01 p.m. Were all 3 of those miners in the water and rescued from the water? Yes. We all 3 of ...
A fire department in the German state of Lower Saxony intervened when a duck's feathers froze to the surface of a pond near a sewage ... healthy ducks and other waterfowl do not usually freeze ...
A 19-year-old was duck hunting in Marion on Monday, Jan. 20 when he accidentally fell out of the boat he was hunting from, Boston.com reported. His friend, who was hunting with him from ...
The Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) cut down overshadowing trees that would have died due to their placement, while GGG members, volunteers and scouts cleared out the ...