Channel 4 rent scam documentary reveals fraud costs tenants £12m a year with as many as half of Facebook Marketplace listings ...
The year ahead promises both opportunities and challenges for real estate investors, landlords and property managers.
A City of Vancouver-supplied map showing five city-owned sites proposed for market rental housing.Courtesy City of Vancouver Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim announced Thursday that the city is embarking ...
But the city declined to say how much the towers would cost to build, or what the rents could be for the 1,136 “market rental homes.” It did say there will be a mix of studio and one- to three ...
The circumstances may be adding to the squeeze wildfire victims are facing while searching for replacement housing. In Los Angeles’ high-end rental market, it’s long been common to find homes ...
Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim announced Thursday that the city is embarking on a strategy to build 4,300 units of market rental housing on five city-owned sites to generate cash flow that could be used ...
Mayor Ken Sim announced the first of five planned developments in a pilot project to use city-owned land to build market rental housing under the umbrella of the new Vancouver Housing Development ...
Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim announced Thursday that the city is embarking on a strategy to build 4,300 units of market rental housing on five city-owned sites to generate cash flow that could be used to ...
A City of Vancouver-supplied map showing five city-owned sites proposed for market rental housing.Courtesy City of Vancouver Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim announced Thursday that the city is embarking on a ...