The movie, directed by Ashwin Kumar, centers on Bhakt Prahlad and his faith in the face of demon king Hiranyakashyap. Promising spectacular 3D visuals, it will be released in multiple Indian ...
Snowbirds can now breathe easier during the months when their winter home is vacant. A new home watch and concierge service launched this week, targeted specifically for those who leave their home ...
“Back then, when it was going to rain, we knew we were going to lose somebody,” said Linda Davila about her San Antonio, Texas, neighbors a half-century ago. At the time, the South Texas city’s ...
The movie garnered four Academy Award nominations, including Best Actress, Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design and Best Original Score, reports the Daily Record. Despite being based on a much ...
These are realities that we all experience in life,” she explained. “Because the teachings about faith are in song, it’s not a hard sell. That’s the power of music. If you look at the movie and watch ...
This is about the intense and tragic marriage between Faith Evans and the Notorious BIG But at its core its a story about infidelity the roots of it and the consequences of it for the couple and ...
it's honestly a great movie to watch any day of the year because its message remains the same – never give up fighting for what’s right. Based on the James Baldwin novel of the same name and ...
Viewers of all ages, not just parents and children, can all find something to watch for their next movie night. The wide world of Disney+ is now yours for the streaming. But where to even begin ...