近日,关于经典游戏《GTA:罪恶都市》的次世代MOD消息在玩家中引发热议。由Revolution团队制作的这一非官方重制MOD,旨在利用《GTA4》的技术框架重塑《罪恶都市》的经典场景,并于近日发布了预告片,引发了不少玩家的期待。然而,就在MOD临近 ...
Rockstar Games has shut down a fan mod that brings GTA 4 into GTA 5, with an ex-dev explaining the potential reason why.
An ex-GTA developer says Rockstar Games could be working on a GTA 4 remaster and urges the company to do so if they’re not ...
A talented group of modders have released a massive mod for Grand Theft Auto 4 titled the GTA: Vice City Next-Gen Edition, ...
而就在这款MOD正式发布的前两天,根据外媒Playground的消息称,R星母公司Take-Two屏蔽了该团队的Youtube频道,并且该频道现在已被油管禁止。尝试观看该账号的任何视频时会显示:“视频不可用。由于Take-Two Interactive用户的版权投诉,该内容无法观看。” ...
However, not every ambitious mod gets to see the light of day, and as spotted by Insider Gaming, a project that would have put the entirety of Liberty City into Grand Theft Auto V has been cancelled, ...