Hot Jupiters are giant planets initially known to orbit alone close to their star. During their migration towards their star, ...
The discovery of two new planets beyond our solar system by a team of astronomers from The University of Warwick and the ...
Hot Jupiters are giant planets initially known to orbit alone close to their star. During their migration towards their star, ...
"There are still many things related to planetary formation and the early evolution of young planetary systems that we don't ...
The discovery of two new planets beyond our solar system by a team of astronomers from The University of Warwick and the ...
Hot Jupiters are giant planets initially known to orbit alone close to their star. During their migration towards their star, these planets were ...
Please refer back to this repository when using this code in your work. If you use the TGAS selection-function code in, please cite Bovy (2017). This package should work ...
In 2025, the Rubin Observatory in Chile will start operations and survey the southern sky every four days with a 3.2 gigapixel camera.
The findings, published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, are based on over 25 years of observations, including data from ESA's Gaia satellite and the Keck Telescope in Hawaii ...
We also need computers and AI to analyze vast datasets. Astronomy is no longer data-poor: the European Gaia satellite has measured the colors and motions of almost two billion stars in our galaxy ...
The moon has toured the world including visits to London, Mexico and Australia. The massive 23 metre wide, high-resolution, image used to create the moon artwork was created by the Astrogeology ...