Loki Patera is 202 kilometres (126 mi) in diameter, covers 20,000 sq km (7,700 sq mi), and was the largest volcanic feature found on Io until these new observations revealed the hot spot in the south ...
Science News: A study published recently has revealed that there are certain activities on the moon's surface which can likely negate the postulation of “lunar body being geologically dead”. According ...
For decades, scientists have studied the moon’s surface to uncover its complex geological and evolutionary history. Evidence from the lunar maria – dark, flat areas filled with solidified lava – ...
A massive volcano on Jupiter's moon, Io is more powerful than all of Earth's power stations combined - says American space agency, Nasa. The huge volcano was recently detected during flyby of the Juno ...
The bulges move with the rotation of the moon around the Earth. An observer on the Earth's surface as the bulge approaches will see the sea level rise and then fall after it is exceeded.
NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter’s moon Io has provided incredible data. A recent flyby revealed the most powerful volcanic event ever recorded on Io, the most volcanic world in our solar system.