The Ghostbusters franchise continues to be a supernatural juggernaut, delighting fans across movies, television, and comic books. Now, following Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the latest cinematic ...
The answer, dear friends, remains “Ghostbusters.” And the latest iteration of the adventures of the premiere supernatural exterminators from Dark Horse Comics is on the way this May in a new 4 ...
There’s a whole new cast of characters onboard in Season 2. Catherine Weaver (Amanda Warren) is Sutherland’s handler, a veteran Night Action agent whose history is intimately tied to ...
Have you ever wondered where you heard that voice from? You’re not alone, as the animation industry is filled with surprising celebrity voice actors in films and TV. While American animated movies are ...
Either way, a film of this size needs to gross twice its production cost to break even, and going by the $200 million figure, Gladiator II should be in the clear.