Ancient Greek Vase Depicting Mother Aphrodite Disciplining Her Unruly Child With a Sandal Awes Researchers The interesting ...
The Olympian gods and goddesses incarnated human qualities such as wisdom (Athena), reason (Apollo), and love (Aphrodite), but they were far from perfect. They drank, had affairs, and spitefully ...
Gambling, one of the most common vices in the world, has a long history that dates all the way back to Ancient Greece.
A ravishing goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite is the ultimate sex symbol — so irresistible, Hamilton wrote, that she “stole away even the wits of the wise.” Some authors call her a child of Zeus, ...
Movie"Another moment in ancient Rome's history where things don't turn out how you'd expect." The construction of great temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, followed by new and high taxes ...
Near the end of poet Maria Zoccola's "Helen of Troy, 1993," the book's titular protagonist addresses the "gods of difficult ...
Cap St Georges Hotel & Resort At Cap St Georges Hotel & Resort in Cyprus, follow in the footsteps of the gods Hidden in a ...
In Roman mythology, roses were closely associated with Venus, the goddess of love, while in Greek mythology, Aphrodite was ...
She therefore combined the duties of several Roman goddesses, including Cybele, Aphrodite and Demeter. The trade and travel that was integral to the Roman Empire made it easy for the worship of ...