South of Midnight is an action-adventure game set in America's Deep South, in a world where Haints and giant alligators roam the wilds.The Latest Tech News, Delivered to Your Inbox ...
The "gothic genre" has been around for quite some time, producing some of the most intense and grittiest games to ever hit ...
Bridesmaid dresses are a major attraction in Gothic weddings. From color, fabric, style, etc., they all show a unique elegance in a modern aesthetic - dark, slightly melancholic and deeply romantic ...
There aren’t many tropical beaches in gothic fiction. Expect wind, rain and thunderstorms and things that go bump in the night. Night time settings appeal to reader’s instinctive fear of the ...
D&D offers various settings like Faerun and Eberron, each with unique themes, magic, and enemies. Gothic horror is popular and can be explored in D&D through inspiration from movies, books ...