I know I said I would keep my gardening videos shorter after my allotment episode but I got carried away again... :) In this video, winter is just one day off here in the subtropics therefore temps ...
Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones, are chemicals that regulate plant cell processes. They are signal molecules produced within the plant functioning in extremely low concentrations. An ...
Muscadine grapes are one of the 13 species of grapes native to Texas and the only native grape species that has been improved through breeding and selection. After over 100 years of muscadine breeding ...
Invasive plants also spread quickly in multiple ways, such as by seeds, creeping stems and roots, or fruits eaten by birds and dropped elsewhere. “Invasive plants proliferate themselves at a high rate ...
Warming temperatures affect how grapes grow and taste, and present dangers to the workers picking them. Milder winters can cause vines to come out of dormancy too early, leaving them vulnerable to ...