With a project of this size—around 800 miles long, to be precise—other discoveries are also possible. In fact, a recently published study in the Journal of High Energy Physics from the High Energy ...
it could also help shed light on another physics idea—Large Extra Dimensions (LEDs). LEDs could explain why gravity is weaker than the other fundamental forces of nature, and why neutrinos have ...
Theories with extra dimensions of space could follow suit ... which couples to matter more strongly than ordinary gravity does. However, the additional gravitational force that arises from ...
The idea of extra dimensions grew out of string theory ... the fourth dimension of space changes how gravity operates on small scales, which changes the rate at which small black holes form ...
These extra dimensions are then curled up so tightly ... Whether in the form of loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical trangulation or something else, the true nature of a theory of everything ...