Jim and Janet Colflesh usually walk the Union Canal Towpath every other day to get some exercise and do some nature watching. On Jan. 13, the retirees were on a mission. A friend had photographed a ...
According to records kept by the local Baird Ornithological Club, the great horned owl is the first bird species to nest, with many pairs on eggs by mid-January. Undoubtedly, these two owls were a ...
“As owls are coming down, they’re hitting Lake Superior. And like a lot of birds, they just don’t want to cross this large body of water. So they kind of become concentrated or funneled around the ...
We love when animal stories have a happy ending. And that's exactly the case for a Great Horned Owl named Archimedes. The poor thing was found stuck in the muck at the Rio Alto Water District ...
4-5. The Owl Center is in Houston, Minnesota, just 30 minutes south of Winona, and is the only all-owl education center in the U.S. Five live ambassador owls work at the center (Great Horned Owl ...